Safe Sex STI Testing

STI Testing Clinics In The Toronto Area

Please Play Safe

Chaste Swingers Club Toronto only plays safe and requires all members who wish to play here to be safe as well, with a full panel STI test the standard in the adult industry.

We try to keep this as current and up to date as possible.

Hassle Free Clinic
66 Gerrard St. E #200 Toronto
Free medical and counselling services in many areas of sexual health.
416 922 0566

Takes up to 10 days to process results to be picked up in person. Monthly rescheduled appointments works best.

Cloud Care Clinic
55 Dundas St. E Toronto
To ensure accessible high quality health care by providing compassionate medical professionals and integrated clinical practice.
647 748 1337

To ensure accessible high quality health care by providing compassionate medical professionals and integrated clinical practice.

Vibrant Healthcare
2398 Yonge St. Toronto
Building healthier communities using integrated services to empower individuals living with complex issues.
416 486 8660

They have 4 locations with test results in about 5 days.

Sexual Health Center
960 Lawrence Ave. W. #403 Toronto
We provide free services in a caring and non-judgmental manner to a diverse community, recognizing the differences in gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality and ability of our clients.
416 789 4541

Catering more to women and pregnancy but does provide results in about a week.

Black Creek Community Health Center
1 York Gate Blvd. #202 Toronto
Black Creek CHC is a non-profit community-based organization that provides health care services and programs for Toronto’s North West communities.
416 249 8000

Two locations in the west end.

Immigrant Womans Health Center
6489 College St. #200 Toronto
We offer FREE sexual/reproductive health clinical services, information and outreach to all genders for a wide range of sexual health issues with a multilingual, all-female staff; our services are provided in a non-judgmental, culturally-sensitive environment.
No Email Address Available
416 323 9986

A one week wait for an appointment and 2 weeks for test results.

Safer Six
27 Roncesvalles Ave. #505 Toronto
SAFER SIX offers tests and treatment for sexually transmitted infections.
647 657 4033

Affordable testing but does not cover blood tests, with 1-2 weeks for results.

Please let us know if there are other resources we should include, or if our information is outdated.